desert landscape

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desert landscape

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:14:14
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desert landscape在线翻译

1. Solemn emptiness and the desolate southern edge of the Gobi Desert dominate the landscape of the Tibetan plateau.

desert landscape的近义词

1. The same is also a National Nature Reserve, three provincial-level nature reserve, the snow-covered plateau, the Gobi desert oasis of scenery and natural landscape and history and culture of each other, have a high value of cultural tourism.


2. Inspired by sand roses, the tiny formations that crystallize just below the desert`s surface, the building`s dozens of disclike forms, intersecting at odd angles and piling up unevenly atop one another, celebrate a delicate beauty in the desert landscape that is invisible to those who have not spent time there.

3. Director of the high mountains and desert landscape with a synthetic lens up.

4. desert landscape

4. Arizona is best known for its desert landscape, which is rich in xerophyte plants such as cactus.

5. From the back of a camel, you can take in a desert landscape of send or rock that stretches on for miles.

6. desert landscape在线翻译

6. This year the band have hardly set foot in their desert hometown of Kidal in northeastern Mali, a burg which feels like a strange outpost built of adobe lost in landscape that could rival the dark side of the moon for it's harsh, epic and lonely grandeur.

7. I was looking to paint more of a rocky desert landscape which allowed me the opportunity to reflect some of the sky tone on the rocky planes.

8. The coupling mountain-oasis-desert system, each sub-system components, landscape and diversity and an optimum system coupling model will be highlighted.

9. In this could be flying camel Shahai, sheepskin rafts drifting by the ancient Yellow River, right close by home a taste of the desert between孤烟, Changhe singular sunset landscape.

10. Oasis is a kind of intrazonal landscape developed under the steady water supply and background of desert and semi-desert region, which plays an important role in regional economic development.

11. I don't like the character of the desert landscape.

12. You can take in a desert landscape of send or rock that stretches on for miles.


13. Chandler luxury homes are available in a variety of styles, but all blend into the desert landscape.

14. The analysis of the changes of landscape diversity with remote sensingand GIS technique showed that the landscape diversity of typical steppe re-gion was the highest, the diversity of meadow steppe region was second andthe diversity of desert steppe region was the lowest, this situation had corre-sponding with habit diversity; on the process for 14 years, the phenomena oflandscape fragmentation aggravated, the diversity index increased and thedominance declined, the running ways of unreasonable grazing use and re-claiming farmland were the driving forces causing steppe degeneration, de-sertification and changing the heterogeneity of landscape.

15. Christmas legend of a beautiful princess has sleep-sky countless hours picking the den Angel Chui no-fly wings Allah through the gardens of Babylon Flemish woman she is not the embodiment of the sun god Jiao bit of a loophole wife desert valley than palace - your mother sanctity of the river is the people's choice on the landscape forever mark Fusawa things light rain ancient Egyptian Yan Mei white woman Background cloud plume of water to be washed away with the dream Mermaid purple lily in heaven smiling prince's wedding champagne color poppy flowers were in the hands of transmission lines of her singing mother, who live far from clothing.

16. desert landscape的翻译

16. Yemen's landscape is a mixture of mostly desert landscape, breathtaking mountains, mud villages and stone houses, and vast green fields of Khat.

17. In the lower altitude of arid regions of China, with the change of landscape prairie, semi desert to desert, so were the relative distribution patterns of groups of distributional units, where hygrophilous species declined and xerophilous species increased.
基于GIS技术,以面积约为6 470 km2 的766个栅格收集我国干旱地区啮齿动物的二元分布数据,采用多元分析的分层聚类方法,依据欧氏距离平方值,将地理分布单元划分为若干个组。

18. A section of Astro Turf in an otherwise desert landscape.

19. Take away Hoover and the dams it spawned on the Colorado—Glen Canyon, Davis, Parker, Headgate Rock, Palo Verde, all the way to Morelos across the Mexican border—and you restore much of the American Southwest`s landscape, including a portion of its abundant agricultural land, to shrub and cactus desert.

20. desert landscape的解释

20. In the past the Dutch explorers when looked at this slabstone limestone pillar from the ship the desert landscape, but also thought that has discovered high antiquity urban ruins.

  • 临近词
A vast alluvial fan blossoms across the desolate landscape between the kunlun and altun mountain ranges that form the southern border of the taklimakan desert in chin a's xinjiang province.(广阔冲积扇开花整个荒凉景观之间的昆仑和阿尔金山脉,形成南部塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘,在中国的新疆建省。)
The ecology landscape design is one of Shaanxi–Neimeng desert highway important characteristics.(生态景观设计是陕蒙沙漠高速公路的重要特色之一。)
The photographer trekked across the two states over three years to capture the stunning landscapes of the region. Above, the desert landscape in winter.(三年来这位摄影师徒步在这两州探索,拍摄出一张张绝美的风景照。上图是冬日里的荒原。)
The grassy hills we climbed on our way out of Ulan Bator soon gave way to the much harsher, more arid landscape of the Gobi Desert.(列车爬过长着青草的山坡出了乌兰巴托,风景很快变成了戈壁沙漠的不毛之地。)
Moreover, Arizona's desert landscape is worth seeing.(此外,亚利桑那州的沙漠景观也是值得一看的。)
As the landscape dramatically transforms from desert to wetland, nature bursts into life and visitors begin to arrive in the area.(景观由沙漠急变为湿地,自然界生命突现,游客们也开始到达这一地区。)
Oasis is one of the three systems, mountains, desert and oasis in arid region. It is a special geographic landscape.(绿洲是干旱区山地、荒漠和绿洲这三大系统之一,是干旱区特有的地理景观。)
These images of the western portion of the Las Vegas metropolitan area show the city's steady spread into the adjacent desert landscape.(这些拉斯维加斯城市西部地区的图片,显示了该城逐步向邻近西部沙漠地区延伸的过程。)
We had crossed into Libya and were approaching our final turn over the bleak desert landscape when Walter informed me that he was receiving missile launch signals.(闯入利比亚领空的黑鸟,在荒凉的沙漠上空渐渐接近最后一个既定转弯。就在此时,沃尔特捕捉到一些导弹发射信号。)
The tribe is renowned for surviving on the fringe of a salt desert, a harsh and eerie landscape which even the Incas avoided, by flushing the soil with river water.(乌鲁奇帕亚人以生活在盐土荒漠的边缘地带而著称。盐土荒漠的生存条件残酷而可怕,即使是古印加人也望而却步,但乌鲁奇帕亚人却依靠河水灌溉土地而生存。)
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